[SML 8054] 東工大大岡山キャンパスにてIan Piumartaさんの講演

Masashi Umezawa ume @ softumeya.com
2013年 5月 21日 (火) 11:33:16 JST


5/29(水) 15:30から東工大の大岡山キャンパスにてIan Piumartaさんの講演が行われます。


新たなプログラミングの方向性を知るまたとない機会ですので、ぜひご参加ください。free and openです。


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Alan Kayが率いるViewpoints ResearchのPiumarta博士に彼らのプロジェクトと、

Date & time: Wednesday May 29, 2013, 3:30 pm-

Location: Room W1008, West Building 8W, Ookayama campus,
         Tokyo Institute of Technology

Speaker: Dr. Ian Piumarta (Viewpoints Research Institute)

Title: To trap a better mouse

Abstract: Edsger Dijkstra once said: "The tools we use have a profound
and devious influence on our thinking habits, and therefore on our
thinking abilities." When we write programs, the single most important
tool we're using is the programming language. When we become fluent in a
programming language, we tend to think of our solutions directly in
terms of its data structures and algorithms. Unfortunately there is no
such thing as a programming language that is good for everything. In our
lives as programmers we will inevitably encounter problems for which a
natural and elegant language has not yet been invented in which to
express a solution. We then have a choice: either think poor thoughts in
a 'general purpose' programming language, or invent new languages in
which to think much better thoughts. Which option we choose can mean the
difference between a successful project and a failed project. In this
talk I will review some of the reasons why language is important, show
which parts of both natural and artificial languages tend to be
malleable, and suggest some ways of thinking about languages that might
lead to better ways of modelling and implementing the languages in which
we program -- and, therefore, think.

Bio: Ian Piumarta is a senior computer scientist at Viewpoints Research
Institute and currently a visiting researcher at Ritsumeikan University
near Kyoto, Japan. He spends his professional time trying to make
computing systems more open, expressive and accessible to programmers
and users alike.

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[:masashi | ^umezawa]

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